The Ducted Assembly Steady-State Heat transfer code (DASSH) performs full-core subchannel thermal hydraulics calculations in liquid metal fast reactors. One of the applications of subchannel codes is to optimize coolant flow orificing. As a design activity, the primary task is to determine the best way to divide assemblies into groups and distribute coolant flow rates among them.This report documents an algorithm implemented in DASSH to automatically optimize coolant orificing. Over the course of multiple iterations, DASSH determines the orifice grouping and flow distribution that minimizes peak coolant, clad, or fuel temperatures across all timesteps for a user-specified number of assembly groups. The total coolant flow rate in the reactor is constrained to achieve the specified core-average outlet temperature. The flow rate to each orifice group may also be constrained by the allowable pressure drop. The distribution of coolant flow among groups is accelerated using a predictor-corrector algorithm based on interpolated results from single-assembly parametric calculations. The assembly orificing grouping is initially predicted based on assembly power but can be refined if results demonstrate that an assembly would fit better in another group.