Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is the world's largest superconducting nuclear fusion experiment of the optimized stellarator type. In the first Operation Phase (OP1.1) helium and hydrogen plasmas were studied in limiter configuration. The heating energy was limited to 4 MJ and the main purpose of that campaign was the integral commissioning of the machine and diagnostics, which was achieved very successfully. Already from the beginning a comprehensive set of diagnostics was available to study the plasma. On the path towards high-power, high-performance plasmas, W7-X will be stepwise upgraded from an inertially cooled (OP1.2, limited to 80 MJ) to an actively cooled island divertor (OP2, 10 MW steady-state plasma operation). The machine is prepared for OP1.2 with 10 inertially cooled divertor units, and the experimental campaign has started recently.The paper describes a subset of diagnostics which will be available for OP1.2 to study the plasma edge, divertor and scrape-off layer physics including those already available for OP1.1, plus modifications, upgrades and new systems. The focus of this summary will be on technical and engineering aspects, like feasibility and assembly but also on reliability, thermal loads and shielding against magnetic fields.