This study was performed to investigate the contamination status of microorganisms that cause food poisoning in shellfish distributed in the metropolitan area of South Korea. The analyses were conducted according to the sample type, season, and region. In particular, the genotype of food poisoning viruses that explosively cause collective food poisoning was analyzed. Total 483 each of four types of shellfish (Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus coruscus, Pectea albicans albicans, and Scapharca subcrenata) were collected from four distribution sites located in the metropolitan area. We investigated foodborne pathogen by multiplex PCR and RT/Nested PCR from shellfish. As a result, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Bacillus cereus were detected in 13 and 21 samples and Norovirus (NoV) GI and GII were detected in 7 and 12 samples, respectively. V. parahaemolyticus and NoV GI and GII showed differences in types of shellfish and seasons, and no correlation was confirmed with regional differences. Also, as a result of genotyping for the detected NoV GI and GII, they were confirmed as NoV GI.7, GI.5 and GII.3, which are causes of collective food poisoning. Therefore, cross-infection with shellfish can cause food poisoning. In particular, attention must be paid to the handling and cooking of shellfish in organizations that implement group feeding, and it is necessary to establish a management system for microorganisms that cause food poisoning in the process of shellfish farming and distribution.