SDS extracts of whole bacteria, representing five species and 15 serovars of Lisferk, were andysed by SDS-PAGE and by immunoblotthg with serum directed against whole formalin-treated L. mowyfogenes. Profiles of L. mnocytqgenes were very different from those of other species of Lisferia (i.e. L. innacua, L. welshimeri, L. seeliigeri and L. ioavrodi. This low degree of similarity between species was found even in the case of common serovam. Within the species L. mnocyfogenes, protein patterns were characterized, 011 the one hand, by a higb degree of homogeneity between all strains of the same serovar and, 011 the other hand, by large differences between serovam, especially between sv. 1/2 and 4b. Thus we have identified mqjor, surface-located protein antigens, specific for L. monocytogenes, either cornmoll to all serovars (64 and 68 kDa) or characteristic of certain serovars: 98 kDa for sv. 112 and 3; 76 and 78 kDa for sv. 4b, 4d and 4e; and 80 and 100 kDa for sv. 4a and 4c. Moreover, some of these bands (68 and 98 kDa) might be related to virulence, since differences were noticed between the profiles of haemolytic L. monocytogenes sv. 1/2a differing only in their virulence for immunocompromised mice. All these results confirmed, for the first time, the classif~cation of Lisferh obtained previously by genomic studies.They should help in the identification of new virulence factors and the development of easier and more specific methods of detection and identification.