Knowledge Management System (KMS) has been widely used by companies to manage the intellectual assets of their employees. This research focuses on the problem to motivate employees to share their knowledge and use KMS. Bina Nusantara University in Indonesia becomes the object of the research since the university has implemented KM Portal system. Furthermore, the university has run the KM Award as the reward system. The research method of this study implements a Point Incentive System on the KM Portal for a year and compares the impact with the previous reward system. The reward system used were 1) KM Award System (2018) and 2) Point Incentive System (2019), each of which has been used for one year. This study focuses on comparing the two systems. The research applies quantitative research methodology to measure the number of user contributors and the number of contents in the system. When the numbers show an increase, then this is regarded as the indicator of success. The results show an increase in the number of user contributors by 34.92% and the number of contents by 68.85% stored on the KM Portal. This shows that the application of the KM Point Incentive System is more successful in promoting employees' motivation to use KMS.