Anthropometric data is widely used in various applications such as manufacturing, healthcare, forensics, and medical treatments. In addition, the data can be applied to design ergonomic tools, equipment, clothing, and footwear to ensure that the products, facilities, and services fit the users. This paper aims to analyze the existing literature on the importance of anthropometric data on the Malaysian population's productivity and quality of life and look into any further research that needs improvement. Guided by the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses), through Scopus and Web of Science databases, 15 related studies were identified. The review managed to extract six applications of anthropometric data and its seven perceived benefits. Data applications were classified into furniture, clothing and footwear, car seat, fitting and fixture, forensic investigation, and safety products. The benefits were grouped into easy to use, fit, well-being, welfare, safety, work efficiency, and identity verification by using thematic analysis. The review also highlighted the methodological issues related to the number of samples, locations coverage for a survey and the financial support in conducting research. Finally, several recommendations were drawn, including the importance of anthropometric database development at the end of this paper for reference by future scholars.