Electronic breakers or fuses are most widely used tools to protect the electric-driven facilities from overload or short circuit. However, they may suffer from two major drawbacks: (1) it normally takes more than 0.1 s to react, resulting in facilities not sufficiently protected, and (2) a higher rating size of breakers or fuses is demanded than expected due to lack of a surge current suppression mechanism. To overcome these problems, this paper proposes a fast large current electronic breaker based on the integration of current divider sensing and surge suppressing methods. The load surge current can be effectively suppressed by series negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors. The load current is then divided into a small portion and converted to a voltage signal for amplification and comparison with the predefined threshold value, i.e., the maximum load tolerance current. AC power will be disconnected immediately by the switching circuit once the load current exceeds the tolerance value. The disconnection of power supply will continue for a period of time set by the timer. The experimental results verify that the proposed electronic breaker can provide a large load current protection up to 20 A under effective surge suppression within 10 ms.