Optical data links are being developed at CERN for use in the tracking system of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment to be operated at the future CERN Large Hadron Collider. The radiation environment will be severe in the CMS tracker; simulations predict hadronic fluences >10 14 /cm 2 over an experimental lifetime of ten years, consisting of a mixture of neutrons, pions and protons over a wide energy spectrum, plus an ionizing dose of ~100kGy. Candidate optical link components must therefore be qualified for sufficient radiation hardness. Results are presented for commercially available InGaAsP lasers and InGaAs p-i-n photodiodes irradiated with 330MeV pions up to 5.4x10 14 π/cm 2 . The evolution of the laser threshold and efficiency with fluence is presented, in addition to the leakage current and photocurrent in the photodiodes. Comparisons are drawn with previous irradiation tests on identical devices using 6MeV neutrons and 24GeV protons, and ionizing damage due to 60 Co gamma rays.