Barre, where he also serves as interim program coordinator. He formerly served as a juvenile probation officer, where he designed, implemented, and facilitated a unique RJ-based program for serious and repeat youthful offenders. His research areas are restorative justice, positive criminology/psychology, and program/policy evaluation. His faculty bio is available at Rebecca S. Sarver, PhD, is a lecturer in Human Services at Elmira College in Elmira, NY. She is a former advocacy program manager for a sexual assault and domestic violence center. Her research areas are leadership, military leadership in higher education, restorative justice, and positive criminology/psychology. Remorse for injustice, Apology, Censure of act, Forgiveness of person, Mercy Daly (2015) Informal process, Dialogic encounter among lay actors, Victim description of effects of crime, Offender responsibility, Consensual decision-making, Repair of harm Elechi, Morris, & Schauer (2010) Restoration of people, relationships, and social harmony,