This study is aimed to analyse scientific thinking abilities profile of science students at XI Grade of Senior High School in Pacitan Regency, East Java Province. The population of this study was 664 students. The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling method on 68 students of SMAN 1 Pacitan, SMAN 1 Ngadirojo, and SMAN Tulakan. The instrument used was a test instrument in the form of multiple choice questions of 25 items which were developed based on the aspects of scientific thinking ability, they are inquiry, analysis, inferences, and argumentation (Kuhn, 2010). Data were analysed using descriptive quantitative statistics. Based on data analysis, it is obtained that the percentage of students with post formal category of scientific thinking ability is 0%, the upper formal category is 27.94%, the low formal category is 67.64%, and the concrete category is 4.42%. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that the profile of scientific thinking ability of science students at XI Grade of Senior High School in Pacitan Regency is still relatively low so that a process of learning activity that can empower students' scientific thinking ability is needed.