How would you… …describe the overall signifi cance of this paper? This paper highlights materials and device performance requirements for enabling penetration of thermoelectric power generation technology in various large-scale waste heat recovery applications. An overview of recent advances in materials research and development is provided, together with a brief assessment of the maturity of hightemperature thermoelectric and converter technology. …describe this work to a materials science and engineering professional with no experience in your technical specialty? Recent advances in materials synthesis techniques, theoretical modeling and design engineering of complex structure compounds, nanostructured composite materials have led to signifi cant improvements in the thermoelectric fi gure of merit of some high-temperature materials. Novel approaches to thermalto-electric device and converter technology developments that make use of these new materials are briefl y described. Selected potential large-scale waste heat recovery power applications are listed. …describe this work to a layperson? There are very signifi cant opportunities for producing electricity from waste heat recovered from a variety of energy-intensive industrial processes and the exhaust of transportation vehicles. Thermoelectric technology has some unique advantages in terms of ease of integration for retrofi tting existing industrial equipment, hybridizing with other power technologies as topping or bottoming cycles, unique scalability and modularity, and low maintenance requirements. Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and device technologies could enable cost-effective applications. Jean-Pierre Fleurial is technical group supervisor/ principal with the Jet Propulsion