the article is devoted to the need to revise the approaches to the organization of the financial system in the modern world. The authors considered an alternative in the form of a transition to widespread use of cryptocurrencies at the national level. It is shown that adjustments in public policy due to the spread of COVID-19 affect the rates of fiduciary currencies in the world. It was concluded that the volatility of cryptocurrencies is extremely high, but the rate movement corridor remains stable, and the forecast for the value of many digital currencies, in contrast to fiduciary ones, remains positive. The impact of the exchange rate dynamics on the financial security of countries is due to the fact that in the context of the likely development of a pandemic, entire countries or groups of countries may abandon isolated from the rest of the world for an indefinite period. On the exchange rate of national currencies, multidirectional forecasts are given, which create difficulties for investment and planning, even in the medium term. This will be perceived neutrally (or even positively) by the international community, as the situation in recent months has shown, and it is obvious that this instrument can work even better than economic sanctions. Countries-technology leaders will not be subject to isolation or sanctions, therefore, the article justifies the introduction of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. As a result of the study, the authors determined that the protection of national interests is facilitated by the creation of their own payment system in digital currency, free from the influence of the conjuncture, sanctions and speculation. The results obtained can be used by banking organizations and state financial bodies in the development of financial security policy.