Interactive E-Module with Conceptual Change Strategy to ReduceMisconceptions on Chemical Equilibrium Material. This study aims to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of interactive e-modules using conceptual change strategies in reducing students' misconceptions on chemical equilibrium material. The method used uses the development model by Borg and Gall with limitations only at the sixth stage, namely product trials. The research was conducted with the research subjects were grade XI students who experienced misconceptions. The data analysis technique used is to determine the mode of the validation results, calculate the percentage of the response questionnaire sheet, and through the calculation of misconception shifts. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the interactive e-module developed is feasible to use because it meets the validity criteria with the mode on content and construct validity are 4 and 5 respectively so it is said to be valid, practicality with the percentage of student response questionnaire sheet with the percentage obtained is 95.65% so it is said to be practical and effectiveness with the misconception shift obtained is 88.89% which shows very effective to reduce misconceptions.