incorporation into lipids was concentrations were chosen because they gave optimal rates of greatest at 18 to 19 days of fetal development, at which time the oxidation. lung content of nonesterified fatty acids was highest.The flasks were fitted with rubber caps and polypropylene center wells and incubated in a shaking water bath at 37OC for Speculation one hr. Under these conditions, production of I4COz from labeled substrates was linear for at least 2 hr. At the end of the incubation, Tbe changes substrate oxidation and Utili~atioll observed in 0.3 ml of hymine hydroxide was injected through the serum cap developing lung probably reflect ch~nges in the avdabmty of into the center well to trap evolved "COz, the reaction was substrates and requirements for precursors to support functional terminated, and COz was released by the injection of 1 ml of 2m and mor~hologic differentiation of lung-Changes in cpochrome trichloroacetic acid through the cap down the side of the flask into oxidase activity in the postnatal period may reflect differential the incubation medium. After 45 min of further incubation, the lung growth.contents of the center well were transferred to counting vials containing 10 ml of Emnofluor (33), and radioactivity was measured in a liquid scintillation counter (35). Blanks were incubated The developing lung requires energy for growth and maturation along with the samples and treated in the same way. Standards as well as for the synthesis of surface active phospholipids which were prepared containing 100 pl of the incubation mix and counted maintain postnatal alveolar stability. Although there is consider-in 10 ml of Aquasol (33). The flasks or medium were not oxygenable information concerning glucose and fatty acid metabolism in ated because this did not affect the rate of substrate oxidation to adult lung, little is known about fatty acid and glucose oxidation COz. in the developing lung. Early work by Geyer et al. (8) showed that For measurement of fatty acid incorporation into lipid, slices adult rat lung slices oxidized radiolabeled triolein and octanoic (50 to 200 mg wet wt) were incubated at the same substrate acid to 14c02. Subsequent studies by Felts (7) using adult rat lung concentrations in 2 ml of medium. The reaction was terminated slices demonstrated oxidation of [1-"clpalmitate to I4Coz. This by transfer of the flask to ice. The medium then was aspirated, work was confirmed by Salisbury-Murphy et al. (18) in rabbit and and the tissue was washed with ice-cold 0.Wo saline until the wash later by Wang and Meng (24) in the rat. Shaw and Rhoades (19) was free of radioactivity (about five washes). The slices were then in the perfused rat lung reported that high concentrations of removed with forceps to a Dounce homogenizer and homogenized palmitate (1.8 mM) inhibited glucose oxidation to COz, suggesting in 1.6 ml of cold 0.9% saline. The homogenate was transferred to that under some conditions palmitate may be a preferred substrate. a stoppered centrifuge tube, 6 ml of chloroform:methan...