The purpose. To fix dynamics of factors of non-specific immunoreactivity in mucous membrane of trachea of chickens experimentally infected with low-pathogenic strain of virus of grippe, as a model of pathogenesis of orthomyxovirus infection caused by virus of type A. Methods. Biochemical for research of homogenates of mucous membrane of trachea of chickens; statistical. Researches were carried out in 2 groups (n=35) of 45day's chickens. Birds of the first group were infected with low-pathogenic virus of bird's grippe (strain А/mallard/Ukraine/2007 (H5N2), the second group was a control one. Samples of trachea from 5 chickens from each group were taken on the 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14 and 21 day after infection. Markers of non-specific resistance in homogenates of mucous membrane of trachea were determined using methods adapted by us for operation with homogenates of mucous membrane. Results. Dynamics is studied of indexes describing the level of inborn mucosal immunity in trachea of a bird at experimental grippe within 21 day. It is determined that infect of chickens with low-pathogenic strain of virus of grippe raises to maximum the level of IgM-up to 48,3% on the third day. On the third day they also observed lowering of production of IgG (on 31,8%), in the period from 7th to 10th day density of IgG increased on 35,5%, and active accumulation of IgA began on the 10th day after infection. In dynamics of experiment they fixed heightening intensity of processes of lipoperoxidation (maximally on the first and the 21st day of experiment), oscillations of activity of catalase (on the 5th day of experiment the increase has made 88%, on the 21st day it lowed on 38,2%, Р<=0,05) and lowering of general anti-oxidant activity of lipids (for 21 day on 70,2%). Conclusions. The fixed changes in system of non-specific immunity of mucous membrane of trachea at experimental low-pathogenic grippe of birds within 21 day of evolution of infection can be used as a basis for development of strategy of struggle with orthomyxovirus infections and bird's grippe in particular, using special prophylactic means and immunomodulators of direct action.