Learning instruments can support HOTS in social studies learning by implementing problem-based learning instruments. This is due to the fact that learning presenting real problems in daily life will be able to stimulate students to create critical thinking skills, creative, and able to solve problems. This study aimed to describe the implementation of learning that supports HOTS particularly in social studies learning in elementary schools and to describe learning instruments that support HOTS in social studies learning for elementary school students in Grobogan Regency. This study used qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques included interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this research indicated that the learning process so far has not been yet optimally conducted in supporting HOTS students and learning instruments used by teachers were in the form of Syllabus, Lesson Plans, Teaching Materials, and Assessment. Learning instruments that support HOTS focus learning by giving problems and using operational verbs (KKO) on C4 (analysis), C5 (evaluation), and C6 (creation).