The spinal dorsal horn (SDH) and trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Vc) contain second-order sensory neurons receiving primary afferent inputs from the somatic and orofacial regions, representing the first stage of nociceptive control in the central nervous system (CNS) and relaying nociceptive input to higher brain centers (Brown 1982;Dubner and Bennett 1983;Iggo et al. 1985;Sessle 2000). Vc is continuous with the cervical SDH and both SDH and Vc have a laminated structure (Brown 1982;Dubner and Bennett 1983;Iggo et al. 1985;Sessle 2000). Most small-diameter nociceptive primary afferent axons terminate in the superficial laminae of SDH and Vc (Dubner and Bennett 1983;Iggo et al. 1985;Sessle 2000 Here, we report that when compared with embryonic SDH neurons in culture, neurons isolated from the Vc region showed significantly slower growth, lower glutamate receptor activity, and more cells undergoing cell death. SDH neuron development was inhibited in co-cultures of SDH and Vc tissues while Vc neuron development was promoted by co-culture with SDH tissues. Furthermore, we identified that small (non-protein) ninhydrin-reacting molecules purified from either embryonic or post-natal Vc-conditioned medium inhibited neuronal growth whereas ninhydrin-reacting molecules from SDH-conditioned medium promoted neuronal growth. These findings suggest the involvement of locally released factors in the region-specific regulation of neuronal development in Vc and SDH, central nervous system regions playing critical roles in pain, and point to novel avenues for investigating central nervous system regionalization and for designing therapeutic approaches to manage neurodegenerative diseases and pain. Keywords: cell growth and death, hippocampus, local release, region-specific regulation, small (non-protein) ninhydrin-reacting molecules, spinal dorsal horn and medullary dorsal horn.