Experiments have recently been conducted at the National Ignition Facility utilizing inertial confinement fusion capsule ablators that are 175 and 165 μm in thickness, 10% and 15% thinner, respectively, than the nominal thickness capsule used throughout the high foot and most of the National Ignition Campaign. These three-shock, high-adiabat, high-foot implosions have demonstrated good performance, with higher velocity and better symmetry control at lower laser powers and energies than their nominal thickness ablator counterparts. Little to no hydrodynamic mix into the DT hot spot has been observed despite the higher velocities and reduced depth for possible instability feedthrough. Early results have shown good repeatability, with up to 1=2 the neutron yield coming from α-particle self-heating. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.145004 PACS numbers: 52.57.Fg In the quest to achieve ignition through the inertial confinement fusion scheme [1], one of the critical challenges is to drive a symmetric implosion at high velocities without hydrodynamic instabilities becoming detrimental. At the National Ignition Facility (NIF) [2,3], the indirectdrive approach is being pursued, where laser energy is incident on the inner wall of a high-Z hohlraum to generate a high flux of soft x rays which then ablatively drives the implosion of a spherical capsule. In a rocketlike momentum conservation reaction, as the ablator material absorbs the x rays and explodes outward, the shell and fuel layer are accelerated inward. In order to achieve thermonuclear burn, the fuel must reach a peak velocity of V fuel ≥ 350 km=s in order to assemble a hot spot of sufficient temperature (> 4 keV) with a hot spot areal density of ρR > 0.3 g=cm 2 and DT fuel with ρR > 1 g=cm 2 [4].An efficient acceleration of the shell is a tradeoff between minimum remaining unablated mass (i.e., ablation pressure can do its work on the least amount of payload mass) while protecting the fuel and hot spot from feedthrough of instabilities that grow at the ablation front and penetrate in. Because shell velocity scales with laser energy, and inversely with ablator mass, ablator thickness can be traded for laser energy. Here we report on experiments building on the high-adiabat, high-foot implosions described in Refs. [5][6][7], but now using 10% and 15% thinner ablators to achieve similar velocities with less laser energy and power. These experiments have demonstrated improved shape control, good repeatability, and performance scaling with laser power and energy. Crucially, little to no mix of ablator material into the hot spot has been observed, despite the higher velocities. These thinner ablator implosions have also shown significant α-particle deposition leading to considerable self-heating.Previous work during the National Ignition Campaign (NIC) had shown that instabilities seeded at the ablation front were a significant source of mix into the hot spot on the highest velocity NIC shots [8]. Backlit measurements of the shell as it converged [9] showed a lower-tha...