Since the reports of promising creep properties of MARBN alloys (a short name for MARtensitic 9Cr steel strengthened by Boron and Nitrides), nearly two decades ago, significant effort has been input in examining the base alloys, development and validating of the matching filler metals. One of the main targeted applications of MARBN alloys is the castings for thermal power plant turbine components. These applications will involve repair welding of castings and joint welding between castings and other structures, such as joints between casted valves and steam pipe works, etc. For weld joints with satisfactory microstructure and properties, there are practical needs for developing appropriate welding procedures and post weld heat treatment (PWHT) parameters. Particularly, a relatively lower PWHT peak temperature, i.e. 735°C, is preferred for the fabrication of casting components. Within the UK collaborative projects, IMPLANT, a detailed investigation has been carried out to the matching composition filler metal for welding MARBN alloys to explore the influence of welding procedure and PWHT on the microstructure and properties of the weld metal and MARBN alloy weld joint. The filler metal was in form of shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) electrode. All-weld metal assemblies and weld joints made with IBN-1 base alloy plate were prepared. For the weld joint welding, different inter-pass temperatures were applied. After welding, post weld heat treatments at 735°C with different soaking durations were employed. Ambient temperature mechanical test was conducted. All-weld metal and cross-weld transverse tensile, Charpy impact toughness, hardness and bend properties were assessed. The microstructure of the all-weld metals and weld joint after different PWHT procedures were examined using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The differences in microstructure (grain structure and precipitations, etc) are evaluated in order to determine the possible reasons for the differences in mechanical properties, particularly in toughness at ambient temperature. This paper reports the results obtained so far. Initial conclusions are summarised. Aspects for further investigation are identified.