The present work is concerned with the modelling of ascending turbulent ('mixed convection') flow in a vertical heated pipe. All fluid properties are assumed to be constant and buoyancy is accounted for within the Boussinesq approximation. Four Eddy Viscosity Models (EVMs) are examined against experimental and numerical (direct simulation) data. The EVMs embody distinct physical refinements with respect to the parent high-Reynolds-number k-ε model. New Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are also presented. Three different CFD codes have been employed in the study: 'CONVERT', 'Code_Saturne', and 'STAR-CD', which are respectively inhouse, industrial, and commercial packages. In general, forced convection flows are best resolved by the LES computations and Cotton-Ismael turbulence model (Cotton and Ismael [1998]). In mixed convection flows the picture changes and the Launder-Sharma closure [Launder and Sharma, 1974] and 'Manchester f v 2 − ' model [Keshmiri et al., 2008] are in closest agreement with the direct simulation heat transfer data. Under conditions of maximum heat transfer impairment, the mean flow and turbulence profiles are best captured by the Large Eddy Simulations and LS and f v 2 − models. However, no single scheme could be said to be in excellent agreement with the data examined.