Background: Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are systems to store patient information like medical histories, test results, and medications electronically. It helps to give quality service by improving data handling and communication in healthcare setting. EMR implementation in developing countries is increasing exponentially. But, only few of them are successfully implemented. Intention to use EMRs by health care provider is crucial for successful implementation and adoption of EMRs. However, intention of health care providers to use EMR in Ethiopia is unknown. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess health care provider's intention to use and its predictors towards Electronic Medical Record systems at three referral hospitals in northwest , Ethiopia, 2019. Methods: Institutional based cross-sectional explanatory study design was conducted from March to September among 420 health care providers working at three referral hospitals in northwest Ethiopia. Data were analyzed using structural equation model (SEM). Simple and multiple SEM were used to assess the determinants of health care providers intention to use EMRs. Critical ratio and standardized coefficients were used to measure the association of dependent and independent variables, 95% confidence intervals and P-value were calculated to evaluate statistical significance. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis.