“…The cur rent find ings from a Jew ish pop u la tion in the Mid dle East rep li cate the high de gree of re li abil ity and va lid ity of DES that has been dem on strated by pre vi ous stud ies con ducted in North Amer ica (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986;Ross et al, 1989;Frischoltz et al, 1990;Sandberg & Lynn, 1992;Dobester & Braun, 1995), the Neth er lands (Ensink & Van Otterloo, 1989), Tur key (Yargic, Tutkun, & Sar, 1995), Ja pan (Umesue et al, 1996), Ger many (Spitzer et al, 1998) and France (Darves-Bornoz, Gegiovanni, & Gaillard, 1999) as well as in a meta-ana lytic study (van Ijzendoorn & Schuengel, 1996). The ac cu mu lated data sug gest that dissociative ex pe ri ences are not North Amer i can culture-bound phe nom ena and that the con cept, orig i nally named in France at the end of the 19th cen tury (Janet, 1905;Van der Hart & Horst, 1989) re mains a valid psy cho log i cal con struct with cross-cul tural ap pli ca bility.…”