ABSTRACT. Mechanical properties of the proximal airways are known to change with development; the highly compliant airways of the immature animal become stiffer and less collapsible with increasing age. Although the relationship between tracheobronchial architecture and function has been described for adult physiology, little is known regarding this relationship during early development. This study was, therefore, designed to test the hypothesis that alterations in tracheal morphometry parallel developmental differences in tracheal functional properties. Tracheal segments obtained from 29 lambs ranging in age from 70% of gestation to full-term newborn lambs up to 6 d old were examined using anatomic, morphometric, and histochemical techniques. The results showed 1 ) progressive increases in the dimensions of the trachea and the tracheal wall components, 2) alterations in the geometric arrangement of the tracheal ring, and 3) changes in the compositional characteristics of the tracheal cartilage with maturation. These findings demonstrate alterations in tracheal architecture, each of which contribute to the greater stiffness of the trachea, in older animals. When considered together, these factors help explain the differences in tracheal functional characteristics with development. (Pediatr Res 30: 170-175,1991) Abbreviations GAG, glycosaminoglycan Several investigators have examined the mechanical properties of the developing airways, both in humans and in various animal species (1-6). These studies indicate that the airways from preterm neonates are highly compliant and collapsible structures that become stiffer and better able to withstand pressure-induced deformation with increasing maturity. The greater collapsibility of the immature airways predisposes premature infants to subsequent abnormalities of pulmonary function such as increased dead space with gas trapping, poor gas exchange, increased airway resistance, and increased work of breathing (5, 7).The functional properties of the adult tracheobronchial tree are known to reflect variations in the anatomical structure of the tracheobronchial wall (2,3,(8)(9)(10). There is, however, little information regarding the structural basis for the differences in the functional properties of the airways during early development.Mechanical properties of the trachea have been extensively evaluated (1-5, 8, 1 1 -15). To test the hypothesis that alterations in tracheal structure parallel developmental differences in tracheal functional characteristics, we examined tracheal structure over a range of development from 70% of gestation to the neonatal period. Anatomic, morphometric, and histochemical techniques were used to study and quantify tracheal structural characteristics from preterm and full-term newborn lambs. Correlation of these findings with existing information on tracheal mechanics may aid in understanding how the premature infant differs from the full-term neonate with regard to airway structure function.
MATERIALS AND METHODSTracheal segments (2-3 cm in ...