At metamorphosis the Xenopus laevis tadpole exocrine pancreas remodels in two stages. At the climax of metamorphosis thyroid hormone (TH) induces dedifferentiation of the entire exocrine pancreas to a progenitor state. The organ shrinks to 20% of its size, and Ϸ40% of its cells die. The acinar cells lose their zymogen granules and Ϸ75% of their RNA. The mRNAs that encode exocrinespecific proteins (including the transcription factor Ptf1a) undergo almost complete extinction at climax, whereas PDX-1, Notch-1, and Hes-1, genes implicated in differentiation of the progenitor cells, are activated. At the end of spontaneous metamorphosis when the endogenous TH has reached a low level, the pancreas begins to redifferentiate. Exogenous TH induces the dedifferentiation phase but not the redifferentation phase. The tadpole pancreas lacks the mature ductal system that is found in adult vertebrate pancreases, including the frog. Exocrine pancreases of transgenic tadpoles expressing a dominant negative form of the TH receptor controlled by the elastase promoter are resistant to TH. They do not shrink when subjected to TH. Their acinar cells do not dedifferentiate at climax, nor do they down-regulate exocrine-specific genes or activate Notch-1 and Hes-1. Even 2 months after metamorphosis these frogs have not developed a mature ductal system and the acinar cells are abnormally arranged. The TH-dependent dedifferentiation of the tadpole acinar cells at climax is a necessary step in the formation of a mature frog pancreas.dedifferentiation ͉ thyroid hormone ͉ Thyroid hormone receptor dominant negative ͉ gene expression T he concentration of thyroid hormone (TH) controls amphibian metamorphosis. The TH level increases steadily in tadpoles as they proceed to metamorphosis and then decreases to a base line level after metamorphic climax (1). Metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis involves the remodeling of various organs including skin, brain, intestine, liver, and pancreas (2). Adding TH to the rearing water induces organ remodeling, and antithyroid chemicals like methimazole or perchlorate prevent remodeling. The essential role of thyroid receptors (TRs) has been demonstrated for diverse metamorphic programs by the inhibitory properties of a dominant negative form of the TR (TRDN) on the metamorphosis of various cell types and organs (3-7).The tadpole exocrine pancreas consists of acinar cells with well developed zymogen granules. Exocrine-specific proteins have been detected as early as stage NF41 (8). The size of the pancreas steadily increases as the tadpole grows up to the climax of metamorphosis, and then at this stage the pancreas loses Ϸ80% of its volume (9). This pancreatic ''regression'' at climax is marked by histolysis and cell death (2, 10, 11) and also down-regulation (''extinction'') of exocrine-specific mRNAs and their proteins (11,12).We report here that the regression of the tadpole exocrine pancreas involves a TH-controlled dedifferentiation of the acinar cells to a progenitor state. These cells then redifferentiate in...