We recorded transmembrane potential in whole cell recording mode from small clusters (2-4 cells) of spontaneously beating 7-day embryonic chick ventricular cells after 1-3 days in culture and investigated effects of the blockers D-600, diltiazem, almokalant, and Ba 2ϩ . Electrical activity in small clusters is very different from that in reaggregates of several hundred embryonic chick ventricular cells, e.g., TTX-sensitive fast upstrokes in reaggregates vs. TTX-insensitive slow upstrokes in small clusters (maximum upstroke velocity ϳ100 V/s vs. ϳ10 V/s). On the basis of our voltageand current-clamp results and data from the literature, we formulated a Hodgkin-Huxley-type ionic model for the electrical activity in these small clusters. The model contains a Ca 2ϩ current (ICa), three K ϩ currents (IKs, IKr, and IK1), a background current, and a seal-leak current. ICa generates the slow upstroke, whereas IKs, IKr, and IK1 contribute to repolarization. All the currents contribute to spontaneous diastolic depolarization, e.g., removal of the seal-leak current increases the interbeat interval from 392 to 535 ms. The model replicates the spontaneous activity in the clusters as well as the experimental results of application of blockers. Bifurcation analysis and simulations with the model predict that annihilation and single-pulse triggering should occur with partial block of I Ca. Embryonic chick ventricular cells have been used as an experimental model to investigate various aspects of spontaneous beating of cardiac cells, e.g., mutual synchronization, regularity of beating, and spontaneous initiation and termination of reentrant rhythms; our model allows investigation of these topics through numerical simulation.pacemaker; seal-leak current; rapid delayed rectifier potassium current block; slow inward calcium current block; bifurcation analysis SPONTANEOUS ACTIVITY based on generation of the pacemaker potential (spontaneous phase 4, or diastolic, depolarization) is not normally found in adult ventricular muscle in situ, nor is it normally found in single cells freshly isolated from adult ventricular muscle. In contrast, early enough during development, ventricular muscle (or areas of the heart destined to eventually become ventricular muscle) can beat spontaneously (1, 97). Spontaneous electrical activity can also be seen in single cells and in small clusters of cells isolated from the embryonic chick ventricle (10,17,26,49,51,78,95), in the embryonic mouse ventricle (117), and in the neonatal rat ventricle (86).After a couple of days in culture, the electrical activity in an isolated embryonic chick ventricular cell, in a small cluster of a few such cells, or in a sparse monolayer is very different from that in situ or in a reaggregate of hundreds or thousands of cells isolated from the ventricle. For example, when trypsin-dispersed ventricular cells from 7-day embryonic chick hearts are used, the upstroke velocity is much lower in single cells, in small clusters of cells, and in sparse monolayers (17,49,51,95) than...