To test whether there are significant differences in pediatric and adult temporal bone anatomy as related to cochlear implant (CI) surgery
Surgeons rely upon anatomical landmarks including the round window (RW) and facial recess (FR) to place CI electrodes within scala tympani. Anecdotally, clinicians report differences in orientation of such structures in children versus adults.
IRB approval was obtained. High resolution CT scans of 24 pediatric patient (46 ears) and 20 adult patients (40 ears) were evaluated using software consisting of a of a model-based segmentation algorithm that automatically localizes and segments temporal bone anatomy (e.g. facial nerve, chorda tympani, external auditory canal (EAC), and cochlea). On these scans, angles pertinent anatomy were manually delineated and measured blinded as to the age of the patient.
The EAC and FR were more parallel to the basal turn (BT) of the cochlea in children versus adults (∠EAC:BT 20.55 ° vs. 24.28°, p = 0.003; ∠FR:BT 5.15° vs. 6.88°, p=0.009). And, the RW was more closely aligned with the FR in children versus adults (∠FR:RW 30.43° vs. 36.67°, p=0.009). Comparing the lateral portion of the EAC (using LatEAC as a marker) to the most medial portion (using ⊥TM as a marker), the measured angle in children was 136.57° and 172.20° in adults (p<0.001).
There are significant differences in temporal bone anatomy of children versus adults pertinent to CI electrode insertion.