The development of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) channel function in Xenopusmyotomal muscle was studied by singlechannel recordings from cell-attached patches of nonjunctional membrane in viva. AChR channels were studied from the time of their first appearance on the muscle membrane until the time of full maturity of the muscle. Two predominant amplitude classes of AChR channels were observed with slope conductances of about 40 and 60 pS. During the first day after their initial appearance on the membrane, the smallconductance channels were the most numerous class on the muscle membrane.The large-conductance channels then began to be expressed in significant numbers and, over the next 2 d, became the predominant channel type. The largeconductance class had an apparent mean open time of -0.7 msec at resting potential, which remained constant throughout development.The small channel initially had an apparent open time of -3 msec at resting potential, which decreased during development by about 50%. The decrease in open time of the small channel was correlated in time with the increased expression of the large-conductance channels. Openings of the large-conductance channels were generally separated by closed intervals of more than 1 msec, whereas openings of the small-conductance channels were commonly interrupted by brief gaps of about 0.2 msec duration. The duration of the brief gaps did not change during development.Studies of amphibian and mammalian skeletal muscle have shown that nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) channels undergo functional changes during development (reviewed by Schuetze and Role, 1987). In general, there is an increase in AChR channel conductance and a decrease in open time as the muscle matures. The first evidence of such changes came from the analysis of ACh-induced noise recorded from muscle. Recordings from muscle membrane in rats (Sakmann and Brenner, 1978;Fischbach and Schuetze, 1980) and amphibia (Kullberg et al., 198 1;Kullberg and Kasprzak, 1985) demonstrated a 3-to 4-fold decrease in the open time of AChR channels. These experiments revealed the chronology of change in gating during muscle development, but they gave no information about the conductances of the channels. With the advent of the single-