The occurrence and synthesis of soluble proteins from certain larval tissues of O. 8tygia have been examined by acrylamide.gel electrophoresis and autoradiography at the feeding (days 4-6), wandering (days 7-10), and quiescent (day 11) stages of third-instar development. The protein species investigated are distributed as follows: fat body, 22; plasma, 21; body wall, 18; salivary gland cells, 16; salivary secretion, 18.The predominant soluble proteins of fat body, body wall, and salivary gland cells are in each case synthesized in situ. All ma.jor plasma proteins are synthesized in the fat body and are electrophoretically comparable with those released by the fat body in vitro. Most of the proteins of the salivary secretion are synthesized by the gland cells: the main secretory species are not derived directly from the haemolymph. A minimum of 40,25, and 45% respectively of the soluble species detectable in extracts of fat body, body wall, and salivary gland cells are specific to these tissues.Individual protein species fall into three contrasting groups according to whether their synthesis occurs: (1) in the feeding stage only; (2) in post-feeding stages only; (3) throughout third instar.In each tissue an abrupt and coordinated reduction in protein synthesis takes place at the end of the feeding stage. Unidentified, presumably humoral, regulatory agents appear likely to be responsible. The synthesis of certain specific proteins is differentially affected by these controlling influences.