The present study was performed to investigate simultaneously total lung water, T 1 and T 2 relaxation times, and hyaluronan (HA) in preterm and term rabbits. Attempts were also made to establish the relationship of HA to total lung water and to T 2 -derived motionally distinct water fractions. Experiments were performed in fetal Pannon white rabbit pups at gestational ages of 25, 27, 29, and 31 d and at a postnatal age of 4 d. Lung tissue water content (desiccation method), T 1 and T 2 relaxation times (H 1 -NMR method), and HA concentration (radioassay) were measured, and free and bound water fractions were calculated by using multicomponent fits of the T 2 relaxation curves. Lung water content and T 1 and T 2 relaxation times were highest at a gestational age of 27 d and then declined steadily during the whole study period. Similar trends and time courses were seen for the fast and slow components of the T 2 relaxation curve. The T 2 -derived free water fraction remained unchanged at a gestational age of 25-29 d (ϳ67%), but increased progressively to a value of 78.5 Ϯ 7. During fetal life the potential air space of the lung is filled with fluid, which is generated by continuous epithelial secretion driven by active chloride transport. As parturition approaches, the lung fluid secretion decreases, and sodium transport-dependent reabsorption begins. This switch in transepithelial water movement culminates at birth and results in rapid clearance of lung fluid, which is critical for successful transition to air breathing (1-4).The osmotic water permeability of the alveolar epithelium is developmentally regulated by and related to the expression of water-transporting proteins, called AQPs. Three AQPs have been identified in the lung: AQP1 in the capillary endothelium, AQP4 in the basolateral membrane of the airway epithelium, and AQP5 in the apical membrane of alveolar epithelial type I cells (5-8).The specific localization of AQPs to endothelial and epithelial cells suggests water movement between the air space and the interstitial and capillary compartments. It takes place through individual water channels. The mRNA and protein expression of AQPs appears late in gestation, increases markedly at birth, and remains elevated during early postnatal life (9, 10). This developmental pattern of AQP expression parallels perinatal changes in the osmotic water permeability of the lung and the rate of lung water removal that occurs around birth (11).In addition to active ion transport-driven AQP-mediated water transport, the physical state of tissue water is also an important determinant of perinatal lung water clearance. Namely, a fraction of tissue water is motionally constrained, i.e. bound to macromolecules and thus made unavailable for immediate transport across alveolar, microvascular, and airway barriers (12).