This review summarizes the current understanding of the nonmammalian ultimobranchial gland from morphological and molecular perspectives. Ultimobranchial anlage of all animal species develops from the last pharyngeal pouch. The genes involved in the development of pharyngeal pouches are well conserved across vertebrates. The ultimobranchial anlage of nonmammalian vertebrates and monotremes does not merge with the thyroid, remaining as an independent organ throughout adulthood. Although C cells of all animal species secrete calcitonin, the shape, cellular components and location of the ultimobranchial gland vary from species to species. Avian ultimobranchial gland is unique in several phylogenic aspects; the organ is located between the vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves at the upper thorax and is densely innervated by branches emanating from them. In chick embryos, TuJ1-, HNK-1-, and PGP 9.5-immunoreactive cells that originate from the distal vagal (nodose) ganglion, colonize the ultimobranchial anlage and differentiate into C cells; neuronal cells give rise to C cells. Like C cells of mammals, the cells of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and also a subset of C cells of birds, appear to be derived from the endodermal epithelium forming ultimobranchial anlage. Thus, the avian ultimobranchial C cells may have dual origins, neural progenitors and endodermal epithelium. Developmental Dynamics 246:719-739, 2017. V C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.