We have used Tn9171acZ to mutagenize the Bacillus subtilis chromosome and have isolated mutants that are defective in chemotaxis and motility. Mapping of the transposon inserts identified two new loci. Mutations in one of these loci generated mutants that had paralyzed flagella. Accordingly, we designate this a mot locus. The other locus is closely linked to the first and encodes proteins specifying chemotaxis functions. This locus is designated the cheX locus. Both the mot and cheX loci map close to ptsl. An additional transposon insert that maps in the hag locus was obtained. The pattern of P-galactosidase expression from some of the transposons suggested that the mot locus is regulated by sigD, a minor sigma factor of B. subtllis. The cheX locus appeared to be under the control of vegetative sigA. Four transposon inserts were mapped to a previously characterized che locus near spcB. These mutants did not produce flagellin and were defective in the methylation of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. This locus probably encodes proteins required for flagellum biosynthesis and other proteins that are required for the methylation response.The mechanism of bacterial chemotaxis has been the focus of an intense study over the last decade, and recently a model has been proposed for Escherichia coli that appears to be consistent with most genetic, biochemical, and physiological data (2). Over this same period, we have shown that the mechanism of chemotaxis in Bacillus subtilis appears to differ from that in E. coli in several respects (23-25).Methanol does not appear to be produced from a direct hydrolysis of methyl groups from the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) (24). We also observe that methanol is released in response to the addition or removal of attractants or repellents (24). In E. coli, negative stimuli (removal of attractants or addition of repellents) cause methanol formation but positive stimuli (addition of attractants or removal of repellents) prevent even basal levels of methanol formation (6,22,26). Methanol release in response to all stimuli has also been reported for Halobacterium halobium (1). B. subtilis motile cells move toward all amino acids (16), whereas cells of E. coli have a neutral response to some amino acids and are repelled by others (12,27). This more elaborate methylation mechanism and the greater variety of chemoeffectors detected should be reflected in the existence of additional gene products that are not found in E. coli.There are only six proteins that are known to be required for chemotaxis in E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium. These are encoded by the cheA, cheB, cheR, cheW, cheY, and cheZ genes (8). Other proteins are also involved, but mutants lacking these proteins have specific defects in flagellum biosynthesis, flagellum structure, motility (rotation of the flagellum), or switching (flagellum reversal) or are unable to respond to specific chemoeffectors.