Body size is an important phenotypic trait that correlates with performance and fitness. For determinate growing insects, body size variation is determined by growth rate and the mechanisms that stop growth at the end of juvenile growth. Endocrine mechanisms regulate growth cessation, and their relative timing along development shapes phenotypic variation in body size and development time. Larval insects are generally hypothesized to initiate metamorphosis once they attain a critical weight. However, the mechanisms underlying the critical weight have not been resolved even for well-studied insect species. More importantly, critical weights may or may not be generalizable across species. In this study, we characterized the developmental aspects of size regulation in the solitary bee, Osmia lignaria. We demonstrate that starvation cues metamorphosis in O. lignaria and that a critical weight does not exist in this species. Larvae initiated pupation <24 h after food was absent. However, even larvae fed ad libitum eventually underwent metamorphosis, suggesting that some secondary mechanism regulates metamorphosis when provisions are not completely consumed. We show that metamorphosis could be induced by precocene treatment in the presence of food, which suggests that this decision is regulated through juvenile hormone signaling. Removing food at different larval masses produced a 10-fold difference in mass between smallest and largest adults. We discuss the implications of body size variation for insect species that are provided with a fixed quantity of provisions, including many bees which have economic value as pollinators. insect body size model | critical weight | solitary bees | body size | pollinator B ody size is one of the most striking aspects of variation that occurs both within and among different species. Size correlates with performance and fitness, and their relationships are of central importance in life history theory (1), metabolic theory (2, 3), bioenergetics (4, 5), and ecological and evolutionary physiology (6, 7). For this reason, the developmental basis of size variation is of growing interest, especially common elements that cut across taxa (8). Theoretical and conceptual life history models have hypothesized that developmental thresholds shape patterns of adult size variation (9, 10), and the idea of a sizedependent basis of maturation is pervasive (9, 11).The insect body size model integrates genetic, tissue signaling, and hormonal elements that regulate the developmental basis of adult size variation (12). In tandem with increasingly detailed identification and characterization of mechanisms shaping body size (12-15), there has been an effort to simplify this complexity for the purposes of generalization and predictability (8,16). Three factors contribute to adult body size and serve as proxies for the endocrine regulation of metamorphosis: larval growth rate, the critical weight that induces metamorphosis, and the interval between the critical weight and cessation of growth (8,(16)(17)(18)(...