[a] 1IntroductionPrincipal components basedt echniques, such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA) [1,2] and Principal Components Regression (PCR) [3],a re useful in modeling and often applied in analytical chemistry.U nsupervised and supervised investigations basedo nl atent variables,s upported by an extensive set of preprocessing operations, provides significant informationi nauseful form [4][5][6]. Thec hemometric algorithms which support quantitative chemical analysisa re used for mathematicalr esolutiono f mixtures,r ecovery of pure-component signals and building the multivariate models for the overlapped data without separation of the components.N umericala pproachi s usually faster than alternative physical or chemical separation, and in many instances it is also more precise and accurate.A dditionally,t he procedures may be optimized using variouss chemes and run in sequences with changing parameters [7].Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV)i sa mongt he most rapid, sensitive and inexpensive analyticalm ethods, suitable for analysis of complex samples [8].O ne of the main limitations of electroanalytical techniques for application in the field of quantitative analysis is lack of selectivity.S imilar energies of electron transferr eactionsi n electrochemical processes are the source of such inconvenience.T he problemi se ven more pronounced when many analytesh ave high concentration ratios in one sample.M any efforts to solve the problem of overlapping signals in voltammetry have been made.T he experimental approaches rely on the application of separation techniques,c omplexometric methods,e xperimental optimization of pH or composition of the supporting electrolyte, and also use of various workinge lectrodes.H owever, signal processing algorithms are used most often. In voltammetry,c urvef itting [9],F ourierd econvolution [ 10] or wavelet based algorithms [11] are frequently applied. Alsom ultivariate calibrations,w hich enable simultaneous determinationo fm any analytesi nam ulticomponent system [12],c an be used.A lthough this is ag rowing trend, there is still less successful application of multivariate calibration in voltammetry in the literature than in spectrometry.T he main disadvantage of voltammetric detection is its relatively complexr esponse.T herefore,e xtraction of qualitative and quantitative informationf rom the electrochemical data is ad emanding task. Principal Components Regression [1, 2, 4] and Partial Least Squares (PLS) [4] are useful in simultaneous determinationofseveral analytesi nt he sample.C hemometric approach makes it possible to build the multivariate calibration models, usingl atent structureo fd ata composed of many signals.U sually the calibration models obtained with their use are effective and provideg ood predictions. However, relevantd ifficulties in their application are caused by strong signal overlapping, lack of bilinearity and additivity of data.Recently,arapid increase of the multivariatem ethods applicationsi ne lectroanalytical chemistry is observed, and...