We show that the quantum bound for temporal correlations in a Leggett-Garg test, analogous to the Tsirelson bound for spatial correlations in a Bell test, strongly depends on the number of levels N that can be accessed by the measurement apparatus via projective measurements. We provide exact bounds for small N , that exceed the known bound for the Leggett-Garg inequality, and show that in the limit N → ∞ the Leggett-Garg inequality can be violated up to its algebraic maximum.PACS numbers: 03.65. Ud, 03.65.Ta Introduction.-Bell inequalities place fundamental bounds on the nature of correlations between spatiallyseparated entities within a local hidden variable framework [1]. Leggett and Garg showed that temporal correlations obey similar inequalities based on assumptions of macroscopic realism and non-invasive measureability [2]. Quantum particles are bound neither by local hidden variables nor macroscopic realism and so can violate both Bell and Leggett-Garg inequalities (LGIs).The maximum degree to which a quantum system can violate a Bell inequality is known as the Tsirelson bound [3], significantly less than the largest-conceivable value, the algebraic bound [4]. Violations of a Bell inequality beyond the Tsirelson bound would be evidence of a new physics beyond quantum theory [6].With interest in the LGIs growing (see Ref.[7] for a review), we ask here whether there is such a thing as a temporal Tsirelson bound for the LGIs. In the light of some recent results [8,9] and given the formal symmetry between the two types of inequality [10,11] and the general trend towards unification between temporal and spatial correlations [12][13][14][15], one would expect that the Tsirelson bound for the LGIs holds analogously to the spatial case. Surprisingly, and as we show here, this is not the case. By considering a broader class of projective measurements than hitherto considered, we show that the maximum quantum violation of the LGIs can exceed the Tsirelson value, and increases with increasing system size, even up to the algebraic bound in the asymptotic limit.Let us now be more concrete and consider the simplest LGI which, for dichotomous observable Q = ±1, readswhere C βα = Q(t β )Q(t α ) is the correlation function of variable Q at the two times t β ≥ t α . For a two-level system, the maximum quantum value of K 3 is K max 3 = 3 2 [2], which we shall refer to as the Lüders bound, K Lüders 3 = 3 2 , for reasons to become clear shortly. It has been proven rigorously that for measurements given by just two projectors, Π + and Π − , onto eigenspaces associated with results Q = +1 and Q = −1, the maximum quantum value of K 3 is the same as for the qubit, irrespective of system size [9]. This has been reflected in several studies: the experiment of Ref.[16] on a three-level system obtained a maximum value less than 3 2 ; on the theory side, multi-level quantum systems such as a large spin [17], optoelectromechanical systems [18] and photosynthetic complexes [19] have also been observed to obey. From this, one might co...