Total of 24 rabbit does (5-7 mo of age, 3-4 kg LBW and 1-2 parities were used to study the effect of superovulation by PMSG on ovarian characteristics, quality and measurements of embryos at different stages (pronucli, morula and blastocyst) of Baladi Red (BR) rabbit does. Also, 3 fertile BR bucks were used for natural mating. All does and bucks were kept under the same conditions of feeding and management. Does in the 1 st group (n=12) were injected with 20 mg GnRH/doe (0.2 ml Receptal) immediately after natural mating (control, G1), while does in the 2 nd group (n=12) were superovulated by injection of 40 IU/kg LBW from PMSG (Foligon), followed by 0. 2 ml receptal immediately after natural mating (treatment, G2). Does in G1 and G2 were sub-divided into 3 sub-groups, 4 does in each. Ovarian characteristics were determined and embryos were recovered by flushing from each treated doe in each sub-group slaughtered after 40-46 h of mating for collection of embryos at pronucli stage (1-16 cell embryos), after 60-64 h of mating for embryo collection at morula stage and after 70-72 h of mating for those at blastocyst stage. Embryos were recovered from each uterine horn and oviduct per doe by flushing and morphologically measured for thickness of mucin coat (MC), zona pellucida (ZP) and interzonal (IZ), as well as total diameter of embryos (TDE) with or without MC at different stages. Results show that average ovarian weight (right and left) and ovarian weight relative to LBW were higher (P<0.05) in G2 than in G1 (0.26 and 0.22; 0.15 vs. 0.33 and 0.27 g/doe; 0.19 g/kg LBW, respectively). Ovulatory response in terms of average number of normal follicles (large and small), hemorrhagic follicles and total follicles and average number of corpora lutea (CLs) were greater (P<0.05) in G2 than in G1