We report photoexcited-state crystal structures for two new members of the ͓Ru͑SO 2 ͒͑NH 3 ͒ 4 X͔Y family: 1 : X =H 2 O, Y = ͑ Ϯ ͒-camphorsulfonate 2 ; 2 : X = isonicotinamide, Y = tosylate 2 . The excited states are metastable at 100 K, with a photoconversion fraction of 11.1͑7͒% achieved in 1, and 22.1͑10͒% and 26.9͑10͒% at the two distinct sites in 2. We further show using solid-state density-functional-theory calculations that the excited-state geometries achieved are strongly influenced by the local crystal environment. This result is relevant to attempts to rationally design related photoexcitation systems for optical data-storage applications.