In this work, ZnO coatings were produced by the spray-pyrolysis technique and
characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and optical
transmittance spectroscopy. The experimental results were compared to
predictions obtained from electronic-structure calculations based on the
Density Functional Theory plus U (DFT+U) approach. To this purpose, the 2H,
4H and 6H polytypes of ZnO were theoretically analysed, and DFT+U was
assessed for the calculation of structural, electronic and optical
properties of the hexagonal ZnO structures. We found that DFT+U is an
effective and accurate method that combined with experimental measurements,
allows a deeper insight about the coatings of the wurtzite (2H) phase
synthesized in the laboratory. This comprehensive study of the pure ZnO is
the first step towards the study of more complex ZnO-based coatings.