Quantum simulators, in which well controlled quantum systems are used to reproduce the dynamics of less understood ones, have the potential to explore physics that is inaccessible to modeling with classical computers. However, checking the results of such simulations will also become classically intractable as system sizes increase. In this work, we introduce and implement a coherent imaging spectroscopic technique to validate a quantum simulation, much as magnetic resonance imaging exposes structure in condensed matter. We use this method to determine the energy levels and interaction strengths of a fully-connected quantum many-body system. Additionally, we directly measure the size of the critical energy gap near a quantum phase transition. We expect this general technique to become an important verification tool for quantum simulators once experiments advance beyond proof-of-principle demonstrations and exceed the resources of conventional computers.Certain classes of quantum many-body systems, which describe a variety of interesting problems including high-T c superconductors or spin liquids, are believed to be fundamentally inaccessible to classical modeling [1]. For example, an interacting spin system following the Ising model can map to NP-complete computational problems [2] and has been applied to understanding neural networks [3] and social behavior [4], yet quickly becomes theoretically intractable due to the exponential number of possible spin configurations [5,6].Quantum simulations [7][8][9][10], in which well-controlled quantum objects like photons [11] or ultracold atoms [12,13] are induced to emulate other quantum systems, are a promising alternative for accessing such problems. However, as these systems approach theoretically intractable physics, validating quantum simulation results will become a major challenge [1,14]. Here we introduce a technique for performing coherent imaging spectroscopy on the Hamiltonian of an interacting many-body spin system. We use spectroscopic imaging to infer spinspin interaction strengths and directly measure the critical energy gap near a quantum phase transition. This technique is a promising benchmarking tool for systems of 30+ spins, where classical computation begins to fail.Ultracold atomic systems are particularly well-suited for simulating interacting spin systems, with the ability to prepare known input states, engineer tunable interaction patterns, and measure individual particles [12,13]. Our experiment uses trapped ions to simulate chains of spin-1/2 particles subject to effective magnetic fields and long-range, inhomogenous Ising couplings generated by optical dipole forces [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]. This results in an effective N -spin Hamiltonian (with h = 1)where σ γ i (γ = x, y, z) is the Pauli matrix for spin i along direction γ; J i,j ∼ J 0 |i − j| −α is a long-range coupling strength between spins i and j with α tunable between 0 and 3 [15]; and B(t) is the strength of a time-dependent transverse magnetic field.The ability to genera...