The nutritional status of lipid and fatty acids, not only glucose, is modified in diabetes mellitus patients. The concentration of retinol, an essential dietary nutrient for normal growth, reproduction, and vision, is also affected in diabetes. Lower serum concentrations of retinol in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM) and in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, in which the transport mechanism of retinol from liver to the target site is considered to be impaired, were reported. [1][2][3][4][5] In contrast, patients with non insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM) have greater serum retinol concentrations than normal subjects. [6][7][8] Recently, PPARg, a ligand-activated transcription factor and a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, was found to play a pivotal role in the expression of genes associated with metabolism and transport of glucose and lipids.9) Ligand-induced activation of PPARg/RXR heterodimer leads to differentiation of adipocytes in vitro and in vivo, and increases the insulin sensitivity of diabetic animals and human patients. Therefore, the possibility that 9-cisretinoic acid (9cRA), an endogenous ligand of RXR and one of the metabolites of retinol, might be affected in diabetes mellitus patients and be a factor in the pathological aspects of diabetic mellitus, should be considered. All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), another isomer of retinoic acid (RA) and a ligand of another nuclear receptor RAR (retinoic acid receptor), has also been recognized as a potent inhibitor of adipocyte differentiation.10,11) Despite the potential importance of RA isomers, which are active metabolites of retinol, the circulating concentrations of these retinoic acids in diabetics have not been thoroughly studied. In this article, we deal with the concentrations of serum retinoic acid isomers in healthy volunteers and type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients, measured by a sensitive HPLC method, and we present a correlation between serum retinoic acids level and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) value, an important index of diabetes, in T2DM patients.
MATERIALS AND METHODSChemicals ATRA was synthesized as previously described.12) 9cRA and 13-cis-retinoic acid (13cRA) were purchased from Wako Chemicals (Japan).Methanol, acetonitrile, chloroform, ethanol, 2-propanol, nhexane, ethyl acetate (all of HPLC grade) and ammonium acetate, diethyl ether (both grade S) and glacial acetic acid (analytical grade) were obtained from Wako Chemicals. Water for HPLC was prepared by a Milli-Q-water purification system.Subjects Blood samples were collected from 18 healthy volunteers (average age, 32.8Ϯ7.9; BMI average, 21.2Ϯ1.7) and 13 T2DM patients (average age, 56.7Ϯ15.5; BMI average 22.7Ϯ4.3) before meals. Healthy subjects were kept off high-vitamin A diet during the study. The procedures were in accordance with local ethical standards, and informed consent was obtained from all the subjects. Blood sugar was measured with a glucose sensor after blood collection. Quantitative analysis of HbA1c, total cholesterol, and high-...