| INTRODUC TI ONRhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) is the most common presentation of mucormycosis that defined as paranasal sinuses infection spreading to contiguous structures like orbit, nose or brain.Diabetes is the most common predisposing factor for mucormycosis. 1 The role of the diabetes is more prominent in ROCM than other types. 2 Therefore, some series specifically evaluated the clinical pictures and outcomes of diabetic ROCM. 3,4 Nearly half of the patients with mucormycosis die. 2,5,6 Some reported better 7,8 and some worse 9-11 outcomes for diabetic ROCM as compared with the other immunocompromised patients. On the other hand, no study has previously compared diabetic and non-diabetic ROCM with regard to the presenting symptom, exenteration rate and visual outcome.We recently reported the outcomes of 63 patients with ROCM in whom patients', globe and vision survivals were 57%, 43% and 25%. 12 This is the second part of a research project on patients with ROCM in which the aim is to compare characteristics and the outcomes between the diabetic versus non-diabetic ROCM.
| ME THODSMedical records of patients with ophthalmic manifestations of ROCM who were referred to a university-based hospital (Rassoul Summary Objective: To compare the characteristics and outcomes of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) in diabetic versus non-diabetic patients.
Method:It is a retrospective comparative case series on consecutive patients with biopsy-proven ROCM. Systemic and ophthalmic manifestations, imaging, management and final outcomes were compared between diabetic versus non-diabetic ROCMs referred the eye clinic of a university-based hospital (2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015)(2016).Results: Forty-three diabetics (55 eyes) with mean age of 54.6 (SD:12.5) years and 20 nondiabetics (24 eyes) with mean age of 57.5 (SD:13.8) years were enrolled. Patients' survival was observed in 51% of diabetics and 70% of non-diabetics (P = .1). The mortality rate was 7.4 times (CI95%: 1.85-29.96) higher in diabetic ROCM treated with non-liposomal amphotericin (P = .01). Exenteration did not significantly change the mortality rate in either group. Globe survival was 40% and 50% in diabetics and non-diabetics (P = 1), respectively. Vision survival was observed in 20% of diabetics and 37% of non-diabetics (P = .2).
Conclusion:Patients', globe and vision survivals were not different between diabetic and non-diabetic patients with ROCM. They were 51%, 40% and 20% in diabetic and 70%, 50% and 37% in non-diabetic ROCM.