The purpose of the study was to detect Hard Exudates (HE) and classify Disorganization of Retinal Inner Layers (DRIL) implementing a Deep Learning (DL) system on optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of eyes with diabetic macular edema (DME). We collected a dataset composed of 442 OCT images on which we annotated 6847 HE and the presence of DRIL. A complex operational pipeline was defined to implement data cleaning and image transformations, and train two DL models. The state-of-the-art neural network architectures (Yolov7, ConvNeXt, RegNetX) and advanced techniques were exploited to aggregate the results (Ensemble learning, Edge detection) and obtain a final model. The DL approach reached good performance in detecting HE and classifying DRIL. Regarding HE detection the model got an AP@0.5 score equal to 34.4% with Precision of 48.7% and Recall of 43.1%; while for DRIL classification an Accuracy of 91.1% with Sensitivity and Specificity both of 91.1% and AUC and AUPR values equal to 91% were obtained. The P-value was lower than 0.05 and the Kappa coefficient was 0.82. The DL models proved to be able to identify HE and DRIL in eyes with DME with a very good accuracy and all the metrics calculated confirmed the system performance. Our DL approach demonstrated to be a good candidate as a supporting tool for ophthalmologists in OCT images analysis.