Abstract. The semiarid northeast of Brazil is one of the most densely populated dryland
regions in the world and recurrently affected by severe droughts. Thus,
reliable seasonal forecasts of streamflow and reservoir storage are of high
value for water managers. Such forecasts can be generated by applying either
hydrological models representing underlying processes or statistical
relationships exploiting correlations among meteorological and hydrological
variables. This work evaluates and compares the performances of seasonal
reservoir storage forecasts derived by a process-based hydrological model and
a statistical approach. Driven by observations, both models achieve similar simulation accuracies. In
a hindcast experiment, however, the accuracy of estimating regional reservoir
storages was considerably lower using the process-based hydrological model,
whereas the resolution and reliability of drought event predictions were
similar by both approaches. Further investigations regarding the deficiencies
of the process-based model revealed a significant influence of antecedent
wetness conditions and a higher sensitivity of model prediction performance
to rainfall forecast quality. Within the scope of this study, the statistical model proved to be the more
straightforward approach for predictions of reservoir level and drought
events at regionally and monthly aggregated scales. However, for forecasts at
finer scales of space and time or for the investigation of underlying
processes, the costly initialisation and application of a process-based model
can be worthwhile. Furthermore, the application of innovative data products,
such as remote sensing data, and operational model correction methods, like
data assimilation, may allow for an enhanced exploitation of the advanced
capabilities of process-based hydrological models.