In this paper, we have used the state finder hierarchy for Barrow holographic dark energy (BHDE) model in the system of the FLRW Universe. We apply two DE diagnostic tools to determine ΛBHDE model to have various estimations of △. The first diagnostic tool is the state finder hierarchy in which we have studied S(2) 4 and second is the composite null diagnostic (CND) in which the trajectories ( S4 − ǫ) are discussed, where ǫ is fractional growth parameter. The infrared cutoff here is taken from the Hubble horizon. Finally, together with the growth rate of matter perturbation, we plot the state finder hierarchy that determines a composite null diagnosis that can differentiate emerging dark energy from ΛCDM . In addition, the combination of the hierarchy of the state finder and the fractional growth parameter has been shown to be a useful tool for diagnosing BHDE, particularly for breaking the degeneracy with different parameter values of the model.