This study received funding from the Universidad de Antioquia, Committee for Development Research and Sustainability Program, CODI, (2013-2014 and 2014-2015). Humax Pharmaceutical provided support for the initial development of the EMDADER-TAB trial without commercial interest in the outcomes derived from the trial. Salazar-Ospina reports grants from Credito Beca Francisco José de Caldas Scholarship for Doctoral Programs (528), which also contributed to the support of this study. González-Avendaño is an employee of Humax Pharmaceutical. The other authors have nothing to disclose. Study concept and design were contributed by Benjumea, Faus, and Rodriguez, along with Salazar-Ospina and Amariles. Salazar-Ospina took the lead in data collection, assisted by González-Avendaño, and data interpretation was performed by Salazar-Ospina, Hincapié-García, and González-Avendaño. The manuscript was written primarily by Salazar-Ospina, with assistance from Amariles and González-Avendaño, and revised by all the authors.