There were 12 girls and seven boys. All were white, with a mean age of 5-2 years (range 18-9-7 years).Results (Tables 1 and 2) Cervical nodes were the commonest affected (47%) followed by submandibular (31-5%) and preauricular (21%). In 16 (84%) of the children the lymphadenopathy was unilateral. Mean duration of swelling was 6-6 weeks (range 2 weeks-4 months). Appearance of the nodes varied but in 12 (63%) was suggestive of cold abscess with absent or minimal tenderness and fluctuation. Of the other seven, five (26%) had an appearance suggestive of bacterial abscess, one was cystic, and the other was a non-tender, mobile swelling. Glands varied from 1-5-7 cm in length. Two were described as a large mass, and three were fixed to underlying tissues. In one (case 16) infection developed after trauma to the area. Only two children had systemic upset. This was an intermittent fever and mild cough (case 1) and persistent cough (case 8).Routine haematology was unremarkable. One case had a raised white cell count (15 00Ox109/l 368 on 8 May 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.