To define and classify megameatus anomalies, the parameters of a considerable number of cases were investigated and compared with those of normal children.
A total of 1150 normal babies were examined during routine nonmedical circumcision, and another 750 boys referred with hypospadias were examined during the previous 3 years. All patients were evaluated and assessed for the size, location, and configuration of the urinary meatus, and penile length and girth were measured. Children with normal size and location of the meatus were considered control group A, and 42 cases of different forms of megameatus were considered group B. Other penoscrotal, urinary, and general anomalies were examined and investigated accordingly. All data were analyzed by the SPSS 9.0.1 statistical package and compared by paired t tests.
Forty‐two uncircumcised patients aged from 1 month to 4 years (mean 18 months) were diagnosed with a urinary meatus that engrossed the whole ventral or dorsal aspects of the glans, exceeding half the width of the glans or penile girth with the complete vanishing of the glans closure in most cases. Megameatus is usually associated with the abnormal meatal position as hypospadiac, orthotopic, or epispadic. Additionally, megameatus may be associated with a normally intact or deficient prepuce. Consequently, we had four categories of megameatus, and the intact prepuce orthotopic megameatus subcategory has not been described before. Megameatus was also detected with deficient prepuce, and this was considered a hypospadiac variant.
Megameatus is diagnosed precisely with penile biometry and is classified into 4 groups: hypospadiac, epispadic, and orthotopic or central, either with or without intact prepuce. This classification is applicable for expansion to other centers.