A 26-yr-old man with a C4 American Spinal Injury Association impairment scale B spinal cord injury was admitted due to a left calf pressure ulcer. The patient's initial laboratory results and physical examination findings were unremarkable, except for a stage IV pressure ulcer. On day 7, the patient developed fever and leukocytosis. A complete culture workup performed did not yield abnormalities. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed retrocecal appendicitis with a retrocecal abscess containing an appendicolith. The abscess was drained percutaneously, and the patient was given a 6-wk course of intravenous antibiotics. The patient returned to the hospital 30 days later for an appendectomy. Typical signs of appendicitis can be masked in patients with a spinal cord injury. It is crucial to include appendicitis in the differential diagnosis of this population, even though the presentation is as nonspecific as fever and leukocytosis.