Introduction and Importance:
The association of multicystic renal dysplasia with ureteropelvic junction obstruction is noteworthy in newborn. However, the possibility of conservative management is still a primary requirement, unless there are complications that suggest surgery. The authors are studying a case of a newborn in which an incorrect nephrostomy led to complications that required emergency surgery.
Case Presentation:
A newborn girl with left-side ureteropelvic junction obstruction and an enlarged and multicystic right kidney was operated on at an early age by unexpert hands, leading to complications. Was monitored daily, and an emergency procedure was done. Following up shows the success of the emergency operation.
Clinical Discussion:
The age and the precise timing of intervention are controversial. In this case, several postnatal diagnostic tests were made due to the severity of the hydronephrosis in the antenatal period, which resulted in the implementation of percutaneous nephrostomy.
Authors suggest that it is better to not operate as long as the patient’s condition is stable