Acute illness-related stress can result in severe hypercortisolism and bilateral adrenal enlargement in certain patients. We report a case of stress-induced hypercortisolism and bilateral adrenal enlargement in a patient admitted for acute respiratory distress and cardiogenic shock. Bilateral adrenal enlargement and hypercortisolism found during hospitalization for acute illness resolved 3 weeks later following the resolution of acute illness. Acute illness can be a precipitating factor for stress-induced hypercortisolism and bilateral adrenal enlargement. We hypothesize that increased adrenocorticotrophic hormone mediated by corticotrophin-releasing hormone from physical stress resulted in significant adrenal hyperplasia and hypercortisolism. This mechanism is downregulated once acute illness resolves.
Learning points
Adrenal enlargement with abnormal adrenal function after stress is uncommon in humans; however, if present, it can have self-resolution after the acute illness is resolved.
Stress induces enlargement of the adrenals, and the degree of cortisol elevation could be very massive. This process is acute, and the absence of cushingoid features is expected.
Treatment efforts should be focused on treating the underlying condition.