Regrouping Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) subtests intoBannatyne's spatial, conceptual, and sequential patterns has been thought by many to identify children with learning disabilities (LD). This study investigated the prevalence and diagnostic utility of WISC-III Bannatyne patterns by comparing 1,302 children with LD to 2,158 children in the WISC-III normative sample. Further analysis was conducted on a subsample of students with specific reading disabilities. Results indicated that the presence of the Bannatyne WISC-III pattern would not lead to decisions that are useful in differentiating children with LD from children without LD. For example, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, measured by the area under the curve (AUC), indicated that the Bannatyne WISC-III pattern exhibited low diagnostic utility (AUC = 0.54-0.55). Due to its inaccuracy, use of the Bannatyne WISC-III pattern is not recommended.